Saturday June 18, 2022

Goodnight friends! Continuing the gradual struggle to reorient myself and figure out what a workable, sustainable schedule looks and feels like for me now. I think partly yesterday’s painful back troubles were caused by my changable days of the past few weeks, neglecting my habitual stretching and exercise for adventures and irregular days. The new challenge is incorporating both, spontanity and rhythm.

The foretelling mineral scent of rain proved true, a precipitous drop in temperature from the mid 30s down to around 12°c as grey skies settled in, thickening to a single finely rippling marbled sheet, and rained almost continuously from dawn til midnight, alternately whispering or pelting but never quite ceasing. Breath smoked faintly in the air, the bright flitting of butterflies replaced by flowers shuddering and bobbing under countless splashing impacts.

May we find ways to express and live out our care for each other today!