Wednesday April 3, 2024

Goodnight friends! A sliver of morning brightness but overall a faint, damp, colourless day, celandines clenched shut and heavy-headed tulips rocked and buffeted by a fitful cold breeze. Towards evening dramatic gold-limned rents split the clouds, the last hot glints of the sun nestled in a drab wooly cumulus nest. After dark a restless drum-rattle of rain began to rise and fall against the windows.

Pretty thoroughly worn out, in a way that doesn’t seem to feel too unexpected or unhealthy, just weary and drained from physical effort. Everything has a little extra resistance, a sluggish underwater feeling, thinking as well as moving. Easier not to feel downhearted with support from my girlfriend and low pressure chats with friends and family.

May we find fresh wonder and delight in the sensations of our everyday world today!