Tuesday April 16, 2024

Goodnight friends! Still cool and expansive and blustery, with wild, brief spates of rain and viciously pelting hail that dissolved away back into deceptive sun-washed half-hours, seeming warm and innocent through the window but with a acid edge. Poplars amd horse chestnuts and all sorts coming into leaf, a shivered patchy tapestry of greens still interwoven with flashes of cherry pink and starry flecks of hawthorn blossom.

Slowly ramping up to judo most of the day, after a week of fatigue and bad sleep, and wavering weather that has troubled my joints, I wanted to feel as well rested amd prepared as I could. Went fairly well, not quite as exhausting as last week, and hopefully some of my exhaustion can translate to sleepiness.

May we work together to make places of safety and trust today where we can communicate, learn and grow together!