Thursday April 18, 2024

Goodnight friends! A bright morning, very cold at first but a touch of frost swiftly melted into heavy sparkling dew, cyan sky blotched with thin sheets of fishscale cloud. Cool and windy still, but the sun warmed the ground enough that it felt warmer than it was. Creeping buttercups spreading wildly through the grass now, hundreds of flowers shuddering together on long thin stalks, each one a yellow goblet full of glossy diffuse sunlight. Afternoon palled disappointingly nto a pallid, sedated dishrag grey, stuffy and drowsy.

A rare luxurious six or more hours of sleep for me, and my neck and back feeling much improved already. Waking and walking relatively early did lead me back to a recurring minor pitfall, thinking I’ve granted myself extra time in the day but instead ending up feeling totally exhausted by about 3pm. There’s not really any little tricks to play to wring extra energy out of the day, I just end up having different, more sunlit rest hours.

May we hrow in thoughtfulness and compassion today!