Saturday March 23, 2024

Goodnight friends! A wild display of chaotic spring weather, tenperature collapsing back down to mid-single digits. A flat slate-coloured start flashed brilliant blue for a few hours, before crashing into a sizzling diagonal rush of small sharp hailstones. Willows and hawthorns coming into full leaf, starry speckles of blackthorn flowers in the hedgerows.

Nearly all the way past the cold, which was a little strange in that it had no real big crash or feeling of incapacity, just a tepid week of fairly low-key but debilitating annoyance. A few bouts of tickly coughing and slight tenderness at the sides of my neck, but otherwise I feel about as comfortable as usual. A nice little outing to a park and a café with my girlfriend, still letting everything move bit slower.

May we come to more deeply understand and accept outselves with clarity and humility today!