Saturday April 6, 2024

Goodnight friends! Great bustling tidal hiss of wind with the ocassional crack and skitter of downed twigs and dry leaves. A blue half-open sky with a dazzling overhead crown of a sun. That special springtime type of warmth, fugitive and fragile, every shadow a cool dank grotto, blue and suffused with the scent of wet earth and every sunlit step smelling of hot stone. Little violets nestled among gravestones, broad lax creamy magnolia tepals, tips bruised brown, slowly piling in the gutters. As the evening rolled on it brought darkening, thickening grey clouds and brief spates of rain rappong on the darkened windows.

Slept a bit better, but still feeling the deficit and a long tail of general fatigue, a few half-real drifting hours that I had hopes would be productive or creative somehow. I think a restless, frustrated boredom is creeping in from several fairly dull drained days in a row. A desire to be more active than I can be slowly becoming an itch without an easy outlet.

May we find a sense of balance and stability in our lives today!