Monday March 25, 2024

Goodnight friends! A kind of compromise in between spring and the long sluggish autumn-like winter we just left, 11°c with a sky washed out grey, pockmarked and seamed by white dapples of piercing sunlight. Wind fitful and mild, smelling of distant rain and mown grass. Sprigs of fresh young leaves, pink-rimmed or acid green or chartreuse erupting everywhere.

Tentatively continuing on an upward trend, slowed a little by continuing poor sleep. More household catch-up and a growing sense of stability and being able to fit some of the jigsaw pieces of my thoughts as well as my space and life together. Creative work lagging behind for now, I think the more daily necessities start to reliably tessellate together again the easier it will be to find places for art and writing &c.

May we allow ourselves moments of tranquility and ease, and take pleasure in purposeless idleness today!