Monday April 8, 2024

Goodnight friends! Out of the path of today’s eclipse, unluckily, but given the slow, dim and drizzly grey overcast sky we had over most of the day I’m not sure it would have made such a difference. Passing snatches of misty blue and clearing gradually late in the day, but long hours of thin whispery rain and clammy, heavy air. Felt a bit warmer and the light less flat, drifts of nodding bluebells and pink-speckled crowns of bedraggled cherry trees.

More pulsing, stiffening pain from joint aches setting distant alarms blaring in my brain, but mostly I think I was able to avoid becoming too stressed or reactive about it. After a few weeks off recently my TTRPG group was back on, so it was nice to have something else to put my mind on.

May we find placed and times in our lives to claim agency and express ourselves more truthfully and fully today!