Friday June 14, 2024

Goodnight friends! A day cut into distinct quarters by wind and rain, a fresh cool start, clouding over into a dense, pummeling rainstorm. A milky, drizzly overcast early afternoon as the clouds exhausted themselves, then later afternoon trailing into evening was bright and scintillating, azure skies and blazing viridian grass stirred by a warm breeze, honeycombed with sharp blue shadows and glinting with dew. Little brindled brown birds, maybe fledgling house sparrows, peep and stutter across footpaths that smell warmly of damp earth.

Energy and pain levels fluctuating with the weather. I found the afternoon much easier to manage and found my cognitive capacity seeming to stabilise, was able to spend some time drawing again and take a decently long, if plodding walk. Very satisfying to be able to lose myself in process for a while.

May we grant ourselves permission to find and accept pleasure today!

Image ID: Photo of a bright sky, expansive vivd blue above and towering white cumulus, above a sun-splashed and tree-lined churchyard with gravestones half swallowed by meadow grasses, daubed with streaks of purple and golden seedheads, and rust red sorrel flowers

Photo of wild mustard flowers, bright acidic greenish yellow among stringy, twiggy saplings.