Friday April 26, 2024

Goodnight friends! A brief bright morning interlude but rapidly cold, damp-feeling winds returned to plaster over the broken clouds with more dispiriting grey. No rain today but a surly, immanent feeing of clammy pressure in the air. Green fountaining spikes of willowherb are beginning to shoot up in any spare or abandoned corner, hogweed, meadow buttercup and vetch also swelling and reaching upward wherever they can find a toehold.

Lingering exhaustion still, and a growing, distracting smouldering ache in my joints that has begun to disturb my sleep again. Drowsed and meandered through the day, trying to keep everything ticking over without committing too much that I might not be able to easily replenish. Trying not too much to use critical thinking or problem-solving skills that would be far from my best effort for now.

May we find the courage and honesty to be open with ourselves and each other today!