Goodnight friends! Raining overnight and then deceptively soft, scrubbed-clean lilac blue skies in the day – though ‘day’ is almost too generous now, heavy purplish lids of evening beginning to settle around 3 PM. The dreamy pale gradient looks mild but the cold is bitter, gnawing at ears and fingers. Similar scything sheets of copper-edged cloud rolling in low from the western horizon, too.
A fairly easy sedate recovery day, hard to drag myself up before midday, but after bundling up and taking a very sedate afternoon walk I started to feel a little more put together. Made a new dish with my girlfriend for our weekly dinner date. Ended up with something we really enjoyed, and several spare portions for the freezer.
May we connect more deeply and without judgement to our bodies and senses, savouring and celebrating our direct experience of the world today!
Image ID: Photo of sulphurous orange electric light shining down on paving stones, the twilight slabs a flat shadowy matte violet except around fallen leaves and debris where water from recent rainfall hasn’t evaporated so readily, leaving twigs and detritus outlined in gold.