Wednesday July 24, 2024

Goodnight friends! Clouds from the evening thickened and gathered up into a finely layered smothering pale grey mass, a tumble of wet silk. Overnight and through the day there’s been several bouts of rain, heavy and dense but near-silent, rippling silver gossamer sheets draped over the trees.

Heavy recovery day, not helped by the wet air, general muscle pains and deep exhausted fatigue. Ebbing and cresting but never quite releasing me from that sickened, clenched feeling of pain. A few lovely, gentle hours of social contact in the evening, when I felt a bit more together.

May we listen with care and patience today!

Image ID: Photo of two immature horse-chestnuts hanging from the tips of drooping branches, soft half-formed spikes and lime-bright green against a backdrop of dark, fuzzy lawson’s cypress hedgerow.