Wednesday August 28, 2024

Goodnight friends! Warmer and drier, ambiguous half-golden moments of brightness in the afternoon and evening, but mostly a silky, sedate kind of overcast day. Not quite humid, leaves beginning to hump up against walls and kerbs into fragile, crispy little drifts. Gangling young magpies, thin in the neck and long-legged, prod about in the grass. A last speckled orange flush of fox-and-cubs flowers and wan ragged stalks of autumn hawkbit.

Still recovering, but it feels a bit more self-direfred now, and bit by bit the snarled alarm tangle of signals from my nerves is coming unknotted. Moments of clarity, times when movement seems less precarious.

May we find courage and confidence to express ourselves fully today!

Image ID: Photo looking up into the canopy of a linden tree, a translucent layered mosaic of round green leaves, shot through with a stippling of citric yellow.