Tuesday September 24, 2024

Goodnight friends! A temporary break in the rain, clearer and dryer feeling, slivers of blue among rumpled grey clouds. A marvellous profusion of various little mushrooms in rings or stippled desire paths, yoghurty white and bakery brown and the striking pale violet of fibrecaps. Late-waking bees taking the chance of a day without showers to minister to stubborn buddleja and honeysuckle.

Back to judo again, feeling a little spacy and with stiff, raw joints. Fortunately not quite so much exertion today as I was assigned to look after a first day prospective student. Mildly disorienting to go from feeling like I know nothing to having all kinds of knowledge to impart. Brought to mind of those maybe platitudinous little phrases I heard that I’ve nonetheless found quite useful – something along the lines of ‘you only need to be one step higher to pull someone up.’

May we find a renewed sense of gratitude for the love, kindness and support we have been shown and cam show to each other today!

Image ID: Photo of pointed, lobed hawthorn leaves turning from green to a glossy dark metallic russet, with few vibrant crimson haws bright among the twigs.