Tuesday June 4, 2024

Goodnight friends! Skies mostly grey again, a few surprise splashes of warmth and light in the afternoon between several long, whispery spates of hard wind-angled drizzle, the thin stuttering drops leaving morse code rambles down window panes. Bellflowers and wild geraniums and bush vetch growing wild and fulsome in the flowerbeds.

Geinding augur of pain biting into my joints, feels like every small exertion wrings and leaks somethig precious out of me. Managed to walk a little further in a longer loop around the block of flats, but it’s a slow lurching process still for now. I think I feel the potential of recovery gradually coiling in my belly, but a good few more days of mindful, patient plodding at a slow pace are needful.

May we find calm and patience today!