Tuesday July 23, 2024

Goodnight friends! Skies cleared into a towering pale blue expanse for most of the day, blanched by the fierceness of the sun. Leavened a little by a mild breeze, light and shadow dancing across grass that gave off a thick savoury-sweet green scent of growth. Cathedrals of coloured light and dark vaulted branches. As the wind stilled in the late afternoon thin lavender grey clouds settled and humidity swelled, sweat misting my brow at the least activity.

Back to judo, and I think not doing too badly technically this time, some learning gradually sinking in, but struggling a bit with stamina and the heat, salt stinging my eyes. Possibly vaccination yesterday taking something extra out of me.

May we find our sense of delight and wonder at the world around us renewed today!

Image ID: Photo of a sunwashed cluster of large hubei anemone flowers, with double layers of broad sugary-pink sepals fading and beginning to crinkle at the edges, and domed green centres ringed by short butter-yellow stamens.

Photo of a soft blue sky with a few scattered scraps of white cloud above a tall looming wall of yew trees, darker, older needles within tipped by an outer layer of bright yellow-striped foliage.