Goodnight friends! Continuing feeling of overall wet grey gloom and lush growth. A consistent bitter, scouring 3°c still, and still not even the barest sign of the sun breaking through almost featureless low clouds, or tonight’s full moon after dark. Bittercresses and crane’s-bills like emerald fireworks surging up in every unattended crack, life creeping back into bleached and bedraggled tussocks of grass.
Sleep not great thanks to rain overnight, but fortunately at least none in the day. I tidied up a little after a few days of clumsiness and chaos, and slowly gently stretched myself out to see if judo was on the table. Everything felt a bit better, and by allowing myself to take longer breaks, go slower, I was able to more for less make it through. Came home with a kind of exhaustion that feels more connected and bodily than the bitter, poisoned sensation that came on over the damp the weekend.
May we find a renewed sense of appreciation for the tiny moments of beauty amd wonder in our everyday lives today!
Image ID: Photo of tightly packed, whirling spiral spikes of pale green barberry buds, a few near the bases bursting into small quatrefoil yellow flowers, surrounded by spiny, waxy leaves made shiny by rainwater.