Tuesday April 30, 2024

Goodnight friends! Far more open today, looking like summer and feeling it too, a balmy high of around 18°c. Breeze abrupt and agitated at times but floral and without much stiffness. Winds smoothing and combing the clouds out into sinuous thready streaks, white plumes of fire across the face of the white and blazing sun. Grass full of sparking colour, the startling indigo blue of tiny germander speedwells the newest addition. Evening brought new iron-grey walls of cumulus, so my guess is this was a brief oasis of warmth.

Not a ton more energy, but by planning the day around it I managed to get to judo. I think I managed alright, but was frustrated by memory lapses and generally patchy, foggy thinking as much as by limitations on my physical fitness. Recovery is rarely as straightforward and linear and orderly as I’d like it to be.

May we allow ourselves space and time to sit with and process tough emotions today!