Thursday May 2, 2024

Goodnight friends! Sky the worn and almost grey semi-opaque colour of newsprint. Somewhat cooler but the drum-tight damp weight of humidity still looms over everything, despite the most strident efforts of robins and blackbirds chirping and warbling away. Squirrels skirmish and bound along the balance beams of fencetops, jostling the tentative white candelabras of horse-chestnut flowers.

A bit stiff and not quite feeling fully recovered, but a sense of interest and agitated half-formed creativity buoying me up against the weight of gloomy atmospheric pressure. Able to take a walk and do a little writing, though with a few drifting hours of exhaustion settling in as evening approached.

May we grant our past selves forgiveness and acceptance for the stuggles and mistakes that brought us to our lives today!