Thursday July 4, 2024

Goodnight friends! Warm still, and with a generally more open and brighter feeling. Fresher and bluer, more expansive skies thanks to wind that came like a regular dry sighing breath, sending broad oval linden leaves into butterfly fluttering, pushing the poplars into their classic straining bowstave bends. Ubiquitous glossy-leafed privets bursting into little white pinnacles of astringent-smelling flowers, a new round of herb-robert leaves blood red under shady hedgerow eaves.

Recovering slowly again this week, not too unpleasant but dreamily, drearily hard to move or focus for most of the day. Not much extra left for creativity or progressing anything, just trying to keep things ticking over and finding the little joys in that.

May we find habits of doing and being that help nurture and uplift us and those we love today!

Image ID: Close-up photo of a spike of buddleja flowers, little closely-packed trumpet blooms blazing pink in the sunlight with smouldering orange-red hearts.