Thursday July 25, 2024

Goodnight friends! Warm and too still, too damp, a taut slight soggy textile pressure with every breath. Bright blooms of late summer, garden begonias and orpines, beginning to splash pinks in planters and beds. Buddleja scent soporific, thick enough to hold a slight soapy bitterness. Very loose, soft tap-tap-tap of droplets barely falling onto leaves, not not-raining, not exactly dense enough to even call drizzle. Glistening nectarine yellow light of evening caught in dense water-glossed canopies of ash and linden trees beneath purple-grey slashes of cloud.

Fatigue made heavier by the overcast skies, the kind of day where I can feel a portion of my mind checked out of the present, a slight dissociation as a bulwark against pain. Still recovering somewhat, and not very alert or creative. Muddling through peaceable, trying to do what little bits of self-care and household maintenance I can sustainably to stay in a holding pattern.

May we find welcome and inclusion today, and ways to invite others along with us!

Image ID: Photo of a cluster of greater masterwort flowers, each a tightly-packed dome of tiny pinkish white florets with long pale green-striped calyxes, surrounded by a collar of long lanceolate green-tipped white bracts.