Thursday July 18, 2024

Goodnight friends! Pretty heavily fatigued, leftover slow recovery and broken sleep. Fortunately pain very low, and an extremely pleasant day to laze around on. Warm – reaching 26°c or so, not the best weather for deep thinking at the best of times ‐ and much drier than the past few weeks, the sky a wide hot unmarked blue, poplars bending, leaves flickering gently from light to shadow in a caressing breeze. My brain not up to much mostly, got an early start and walk, so used up my limited reserves in a single surge of acfivity and small household tasks by early afternoon. Mostly able to be content to just watch the world, read a little when I could, chat a little with my girlfriend on the phone.

May we refocus on our passions and rediscover what inspires us today!

Photo ID: Photo of a bright azure sky above lush dark green trees, their lower boughs cast into deep shade by bright midday light. A single small cloud drifts by, ice white with a smoothly sculpted snowdrift crown.

Photo of hot neon green grass, striped by inky blocks of shadow cast by trees and gravestones, with thickets of wiry hawksbeard stems topped by bright, ragged yellow flowers reaching from light into darkness like sparks rising from a fire.