Thursday July 11, 2024

Goodnight friends! Bright, glossy wet grey of a riverbank pebble. Wild purple frayed thread flowers of knapweed. Blackberry flowers clenched fists against the thin cool rain.

Feeling really bad physically – wet weather plus two active days – omnipresent dizzy pain. Exhausted in a viscerally crushing way that sometimes pulsed and shook me and seemed to fling me into a vertiginously rapid disassociation from my body. Fortunately some response to painkillers and a few scattered hours with higher function.

May we find a sense of calm and gentle wider perspective today!

Image ID: Photo of a tall hedge of lawson’s cypress, dense layers of shadowy green foliage garlanded by festoons of black bryony with long coiling tendrils and drooping heart-shaped leaves.

Photo of an invisibly thin net of spider silk draped over tangled yellow and green wild grass stems, appearing as a suggestion formed by the floating constellation of silvery water droplets caught on its threads.

Photo of a corymb of purple mophead hydrangea flowers, stiff dished leaf-like petals half-full of gleaming rainwater and mottled by patches of violet, blue, pink and green, giving them an almost iridescent appearance in places.