Goodnight friends! The mist that diffused lamplight after dark stuck around overnight and only thickened, all day the world floated as isolated dark islets in a thick mesmerising pearl haze of fog. Around 6°c and feeling chillier, clammy caressing hands gripping my neck, catching at my face.
Went visiting over to family for a few hours today. Ended up being a pretty exhausting experience despite a mild and pleasant trip, directly after spending christmas socialising it was a dramatic shock to an already depleted system. I crashed out for a few hours after I came home, and spent a few more soaking in the tub to manage joint pains from the evnveloping damp.
May we find spaces and communiites we can inhabit as our full selves today!
Image ID: Photo of a churchyard swamped in a veil of heavy fog, rows of skewed gravestones among shaggy grass receding gradually into dissolving grey, the bare trees and spire beyond mere shadowy suggestions in the haze.