Thursday August 15, 2024

Goodnight friends! The grey sky persisted, sank and darkened. In between long, dreary whispering falls of thin hard rain the air was stuffy, staticy and thick with prickly little beads of drifting water. The lax tissue petals of poppies sag and crumple, hawksbeard seedheads shrink to hanks of sodden wool.

An unusual and slightly hectic day, a lead weight feeling besides my painful joints, as my social battery was drained pretty dry. My TTRPG group managed to meet up in person, even our party member from France stopping by in the midst of theie holidays for a one-shot adventure. I hosted, the largest gathering at my flat so far, and all seemed to go pretty well. We even solved the mystery.

May we make time and space to listen with respect and patience, and reflect carefully on what we learn from each other today!

Image ID: Photo of a cluster of swelling blackberries in the rain among water-speckled foliage, a thin film of moisture polishing the bunched purple-black drupelets to a high smooth obsidian shine.