Thursday August 1, 2024

Goodnight friends! Woken briefly before dawn by a clash and roar, a heavy rainstorm breaking like a train rushing past my window. The throbbing, humid promise of the last few days fulfilled. But by early afternoon lawns were nearly dry, long, shivering aquamarine shadows were pierced by hazing goldem afternoon sunlight, and the same hushed slow-boiling crescendo is picking up again.

Fairly slow going again, even when the damp began to dissipate and my joints felt looser. long stretches of half empty tiredness and some lingering cobwebs of high fatigue
A fairly low ebb creatively still, motivation almost always shared with too many other priorities.

May we find and build relationships of mutual understanding and support today!

Image ID: Photo of a neatly striped western honeyebee feeding from the densely packed florets of a white buddleja.