Sunday September 22, 2024

Goodnight friends! Storms settled in overnight, grumbling and grey as the belly of a contented cat. All day was more or less a roll of the dice for which kind of rain you’d be getting from moment to moment – sizzling sweeping sheets, flat, soft staticy drizzle, a loose slow drip too indecisive to actually rain or to stop. Leaves all gleam with a slick waxy shine like ivy, berries have the shine and burn of LEDs.

Fatigue strong to start, but evening out to a hazy grey like the weather, and pain becoming even and sedating too. It was my girlfriend’s birthday, and I was able to find a discount on a professional home massage for her, so she came over, she had a massage while I gathered some energy, then we did arts and crafts and got a takeaway. A really fun, gentle day that let me give her a special experience, share the evening with her and spending time on recovery.

May we find ourselves embraced, and surround each other with care and community today!

Image ID: Photo of a cluster of tiny bright pink cloudberry flowers at the tip of a stem, pendant droplets of gleaming water suspended from cupped blossoms.