Goodnight friends! Waterlogged and somewhat blustery, the same pin-thin rain falling mostly in thin muted curtains, other times seething and speckling coldly on window panes. Leaves gather in the dips of hollows and desire paths, darkening to a pummelled, glossy purplish black. Lampposts lit early, wet gritty roads shining with streaks of amber.
A nice visit with family, and some more progress with little household tasks. Having to shove a path through deep dull aches and fatigue still to feel like I’m present or focussing, tires me out fast.
May we find mutual care, support and compassion today!
Image ID: Photo of a gnarled and knotty ivory-coloured birch tree, branches darkening as they split and split into a frayed net, speckled with dull gold, cast up into a pale grey sky. Black cracks and slashes along its wet trunk show where it has twisted and split and flexed over the years.