Sunday May 7, 2023

Good evening friends! Bright, warm and still, nearly 25°c at midday. Only a hesitant breeze sluggish and sweet with the pungent scent of hawthorn and prickling green nettle. A sudden surge of growth for them, suddenly looming in hip high saw-edged banks beneath the rippling shade of trees. Sycamores already growing the first ruddy beginnings of winged keys bunched among their leaves. Chains of banana-like laburnum flowers dangle from overhanging foliage.

More energetic to begin with, but I’d slept badly and felt my stamina slip away quickly in the afternoon, creative urge overtaken by muddled fuzziness. Hoping for some small evening resurgence but don’t want to push too hard.

May we find a deeper and clearer connection to our own emotions and needs today!