Goodnight friends! Brighter and less chilly, bright silver knife edges on shifting clouds. Air feeling cold but not sodden, though enough of a chill breeze to snatch at the cherry blossoms. Luscious burgeoning leaves of ragged-edged dock and strongly veined garlic mustard, and ever more densely-packed constellations of catchweed bedstraw. A great broad-winged bird hung in the air on a slow lazy spiral, too fleeting a glimpse to tell but likely a red kite.
Another night of poor sleep, and a day of fading fast after activity, feeling the cold deep and painful. Taking a walk, eating, aiming to accept that the more regular days of exertion I choose, the more compensatory days of exhaustion I choose too.
May we allow ourselves to feel our emotions fully without clinging or resisting, and let them be real without becoming our whole realities today!