Sunday July 28, 2024

Goodnight friends! Thermometers claiming only about 22°c, but open skies with full sun on dry meadows barely stirred by a light breeze make it feel hotter. Himalayan balsam and bristling burdock and woundwort in full flower below the clenched and twisting oaks amd silvery holly trunks along pathways.

Some pinched, tender-feeling muscles after adding in that experimental short extra workout on Saturday. Nothing overwhelming so far, but will have to see how my energy levels for the week fare overall. A gentle walk in the park with my girlfriend and her dog was about all I had in me for activities, and I had a slack, relaxed if slightly sore afternoon recovering.

May we find rhythms and routines that support our goals and our whole selves today!

Image ID: Photonof two orange and silvery grey marbled gatekeeper butterflies feeding on a clump of ragwort flowers, their daisy-like petals so bright yellow in the sunlight as to seem to cast a faint golden aura into the air.