Sunday January 23, 2022

Goodnight friends! Murky tinge returning to a heavier, flattening sky, a cooler wetter atmosphere gently seething with tension. Heavy, smothering scent of damp earth still heady despite a few mostly dry days. Birds more hushed, a band of egrets still and hunched in the branches of a dark tree across a pond, their luminous whiteness absurd in the flat grimy light.

Slept decently well again, may just be on my way up from this latest long stretch of wintery insomnia. Some drawing, some browsing of house listings (unfortunately a doom-scrolling-like nervous tick for me recently), a short walk – nothing too strenuous or pushing at my limits, self-consciously giving myself a semi-rest day and hopefully being able to work out tomorrow.

May we extend a sense of grace and understanding to each other and to ourselves today!