Sunday February 9, 2025

Good evening friends! Gloom and haze continuing, a damp indefinite fogginess that clears on focussing, leaving the vague sense of my vision vision clouding over. A rich sour churning Chinese-ink smell of black, wet fecund soil turned over and over by busy worms, an almost hot scent on cold air. Fluttering fronds of stray bracken, leaves of chickweed and spiky sow-thistle are pushing their way up in dank corners.

Fatigue coming aggravatingly easily in the cold and damp, but my sleep situation, at least for now, has got a little better. My girlfriend also visited to collect some stuff in the morning, which helped motivate me to get up and moving. A little exercise and stretching, a walk, lunch – unsurprisingly I ran out of energy fairly early, not much to be done but pace myself carefully and try to rest as well as I can tonight.

May we find moments of spontaneous earnestness and play in our lives today!

Image ID: Photo of a daffodil erupting from dark leafy loam into an upthrust spray of stiff, narrow lanceolate leaves and splashy yellow flowers on periscope stalks, petals already looking lax and weatherbeaten before they have even fully emerged.