Sunday August 25, 2024

Goodnight friends! The sand is matte muddy brown again, and the sky is streaky lead shot grey. Colder and more grim with a fitful humid feeling. Sharp peeping flurries of starlings. A hammering, groaning wind that threatens to fling you off your feet and rifle through your pockets, and spates of stiff spattering rain. Bell-flowered beachside yuccas bloom despite it all, and the differing pace of summer means greenish-yellow wild mustard blossoms still persist in sheltered corners.

Exertion and the rain have knocked me back a lot, pain flashes feverlike hot and cold, radiating and rebounding through me. Worse as the day went on, in the throes of an exhausted lethargy now but sleep feels difficult to find.

May we find calm and rejuvenation today!