Saturday September 7, 2024

Goodnight friends! A swift and decisive return to wet grey weather. Misty to start beneath a flattened grey sky, the air felt fizzy with an ambient pricking of cold damp. Several times over the rest of the day we had showers, some drawn out soft whispering simmers, others hard driven nuts-and-bolts clatters of rain.

I went on a little shopping and lunch trip rather than a regular walk – just as well, because I’m not sure I would have been very reliable for a walk today, feeling unstable and weak with sleeplessness and aches, with unpredictable spells of dizziness and nausea. As it was I was only moving short distances arm in arm with my girlfriend, and managed to have a nice little outing that distracted and lifted my mood without putting out too much energy.

May we find new ways and angles of seeing to help us experience and appreciate the world around us today!

Image ID: Photo of a punnet of small dewy plums, a pale dusty lilac bloom mottling their vivid red skin, marked by yellow undulating lines like the contour lines on a topographical map.

Photo of slender blunt-tipped honeysuckle leaves densely covered in a fine diamond stippling of raindrops.