Goodnight friends! A dull rippling blanket of enveloping bruise-blueish clouds, no rain so far but a gathering plastic wrap damp sensation. Muffling layers of clammy air provide some insulation though, even a bare 10°c feeling relatively balmy after the past week. Night slid in early, stealthily without a clear bright sky to show it coming, as if all the swarming mesh of stark leafless branches were slowly dripping their inky darkness into the sky.
Woke late and bleary, but was able to coalesce into something fairly functional before too long. Had a nice afternoon hangout with a friend, made lunch together and watched a movie. Felt energised after after they went home, made a tentative push towards more active creative work. A very slight bit of writing and editing, but enough to get me feeling a little capable and excited.
May we find fresh perspective and renewed delight in the everyday moments of our lives today!
Image ID: Photo of a tangle of bare ash branches, with their distinctive scything upward curved twigs, against a gloomy purplish blue evening sky.