Saturday May 11, 2024

Goodnight friends! Warm and lush, grass growing caressingly up past my knees, the coolness of dew retained down closer to the shady soil and the warmth of sun-heated leaves. Clovers and bittercress and lesser stitchwort along with the binding tendrils of meadow peas and indefatigable, prehistoric horsetails.At first clouds were all ghostly-thin drifting plumes, but the day became humid and pillars of cumulus towered up again and began to merge over the afternoon.

Another rough day, half-unexpectedly feeling a lot of joint pain. Fatigued and bleary, a minor feedback loop of deep aches leading to bad sleep, leading to feeling lousy on waking. Able to draw for a bit in a clearer patch in the afternoon, so hopefully the pattern is just areaction to a little overexertion and won’t last long.

May we find a sense of stability and places of peace and sanctuary in our lives today!