Saturday June 29, 2024

Goodnight friends! Cloud cover thick and pale grey, a feeling of joint-squeezing pressure from time to time. Sprays and droplets of pink and purple everywhere, from bristly thistle flowers and the lavender smoke of yorkshire fog seedheads to extravagant beacons of blooming willowherbs. White hanging whiptails of sweet chestnut flowers flicking at cool breezes.

A decently long walk in the park with my girlfriend and her dog, though my stamina did start to flag by degrees and I spent most of the rest of the day vacantly lounging about and recovering. Felt good to see different sights and natural landscapes.

May we find ways to bring a sense of play and experiment into our lives today!

Image ID: Photo of a broad swathe of meadowland flanked by shadowy trees, green grass mingling with the purple of seedheads, red sorrel, orange and yellow dry stems, all beneath a dappled grey sky of sweeping cigar-shaped clouds.

Photo of blackberries just beginning to swell, still ruddy dark pink, each ruffed by a star of sepals and the brown tassels of exhausted stamens.

Photo of a crabapple branch bearing a heavy cluster of small hard fruits anong its lanceolate leaves, taut and blushing a purplish red with a satiny sheen.

Photo of a spike of blazing bright pink rosebay willowherb flowers, a tower of nearly symmetrical quatrefoils with a cruciform set of four darker pink sepals between the petals and central white stamens and grapnel-tipped stigma.