Saturday June 11, 2022

Goodnight friends! very clear and bright, a near-full moon sharp in an azure sky speckled with wavering little rags of cloud. Feverfew with its blunt flat daisy-like flowers sways among alder roots, and the first bright yellow blooms of ragwort appear, half-lost among nettles and garlic mustard. Giant hogweed, towering three metres or more already with great claw-like leaves, looms over banks of chest high nettles. reservoir banks littered with countless broad moulted goose quills. Miraculously the swans still have six or seven bedraggled, gawky looking cygnets for now, and far out on the water a baby grebe clings close to a parent’s flank while the other dives.

Feeling a general sense of confidence and relative wellbeing in my body slowly reassert itself – walking more easily, able to sit and draw for half and hour or so without feeling like my brain is trying to unspool itself or I need to collapse for a while.

may we accept our feelings of weakness and uncertainty today, and honour our human need for comfort and support!