Saturday July 27, 2024

Goodnight friends! Bright jigsaw sky, clouds gathering and parting, vague purplish threats of rain low above the horizon that never quite came to fruition. Dense white pom-pon seedheads of sow thistles, grass thickly littered with fallen linden seeds on withered parachute leaves. Teardrop horse-chestnut leaves browning amd crumbling as their macehead seeds swell.

Sluggish and slow getting started, but pain and thinking mostly under good control. Took a timid step forward and worked my way through a mini-workout in the afternoon. Trying to strike a balance between care for myself today and building a little more future fatigue resilience, by putting a bit more muscle it it’s way if I can. I think going through this process to begin with is what made me able to do judo to begin with, as well as generally increased my mobility, so if I can find a sustainable place for exercise again I think it would help ease the post-exertion effects of sport.

May we find moments of immediacy and joyful presence in our lives today, and celebrate then by living in them fully as they appear!

Image ID: Photo of a grotto-like wall of densely interlaced leaves, a soft bloom of hazy light sliding through layers of firey green sparks and patches of lush verdant gloom.

Photo of a plump fuzzy buff-tailed bumblebee, head pressed upward into the centre of the drooping, bright pink striped parasol of a checkerbloom flower.