Saturday December 4, 2021

Goodnight friends! Scattered plinking of rain from the midnight sky as I write, but largely a bright and brilliant day, only gradually clouding over with scudding drifts of gold bourne on by fierce sudden howls and surges of wind. Woodlands all aglow with drowsy light caught in tangling combs of bare branches, squirrels and magpies scrabbling in thick, sticky leaf litter. Soil spongy and rain-bloated, ready to seize boots and gulp them down to the ankle unless you tread among the stalwart leaves of creeping buttercup.

Flagging easily, in the throes of recovery still from exercising on thursday. Memory wavering too, not exactly sure if I did much of anything besides going for a walk, talking with a few people online. Watching anything or reading was a complete non-starter. Pain fairly easy to manage though, and no particular fugues or periods of exhausted paralysis.

May we work to uplift and support each other today!