Saturday August 24, 2024

Goodnight friends! Weather not nearly as gloomy as forecast thankfully, no sign of rain in the day and a huge white wash of sun-fire on the waves. Wildflowers, some new and others familiar, trembled in a constant bullish tumbling wind off the sea, the kind that halfway steals the breath from your lungs. The sun set as a dim red orb in an apricot haze above the headland, scarlet as a rosehip.

Very tired after a slow but full day, eating out, socialising, exploring the seafront.

May we be present and aware in moments of sensation and celebration today, and allow pleasure fully into our lives!

Image ID: Photo of a sunlit chicory flower among wild grasses, its long, striated pale lilac petals flapping windblown in a stiff breeze.

Photo looking out across a twilit beach, deep blue shadow-crested waves encroaching on wet sand shining faintly pink, peach and purple sky against a deep inky violet headland with tiny sparks of light at the foot of undulating hillsides.