Monday September 9, 2024

Goodnight friends! A sullen grey start after more overnight rain, and a sodden, wet wood and fungus note hung in the air all day, but a fitful whippy wind opened the clouds up over the morning. By the time I got outside leaves were swashing and hissing crisply again and the sun blazed cooly through thin patchy clouds.

I think the dizzy spells are fully banished for now after managing much longer, if still disturbed sleep. Housework and food prep again, satisfying to be able to take on a few little tasks in a row without being left nauseated, though there’s a lingering hot-and-cold throb of discomfort in my joints.

May we find space and time today to take stock of our accomplishments, the challenges we’ve faced and the support we’ve had!

Image ID: Photo of a spiny, scalloped barberry leaf in the midst of withering, the brown shrivelling tip separated from the glossy green base by a neat chevron of crimson.

Photo of a bright blue sky with thin high clouds stretched out into long thready streamers, pulled into cresents amd long twisty skeins.