Goodnight friends! An even more intense and decades taste of summer, a high of 28°c and a featureless, endlessly deep blue sky washed pale by the bare blazing sun. Grasshoppers stirred up to sing out in scattered ticking chorus across wan dry meadows speckled with the last still-vibrant flowers and black split seedposs pods of vetch and.meadow peas. Backberries fat and warm, sweating sweetness.
A slow start, I had slept poorly and let myself spend a leisurely morning drawing in bed. After that it was a little bit of an ordeal to exercise in the heat, but knowing I’d done it before in July and wanting to balance the scales with my earlier sloth I pushed on, and let my day more-or-less rotate around the axis of that effort.
May we find a deep sense of internal value and purpose that we can trust in and grow through today!