Goodnight friends! Early cloud cover steaming away by degrees into brushed out cottony strands, a cool wind but still 18°c by the sunbaked afternoon. Baby moorhens, little hanks of black fuzz, bounce among the green stems of watery reed-mace copses. Yellow birds-foot trefoils, bulbous pinstriped calyxes of white campion and tangled, serrated stalks of yarrow all along the canal bank. Coiling snares of white bryony reach up into low tree branches.
Somewhat surprising level of onrushing fatigue, icy cold aches and a heavy sense of swarming confusion, lingering effects of taking a longer walk yesterday I think. Evidently not a good time to slide back into my exercise schedule. Instead a short walk in the sun, a little stretching, a peaceable day.
May we find a deeper, more stable and nourishing sense of safety and comfort in our minds and bodies today!