Monday August 26, 2024

Goodnight friends! Home today, in fortunately moderate weather, warmer and less gloomy than yesterday but not swelteringly humid. The wye valley just as beautiful considered from the other direction, shimmering oxbows, precipitous forested hills and ridges topped by the slow white scything arms of windmills.

Feeling pretty beaten up and ill, unsurprisingly after a few days away, but still elated at the experience. We stopped off at a butterfly farm to break the journey home, groggy and half-way dazed, watching the brilliant blue morphos soar like kites in the hothouse air, the leisurely beats of their wings seeming disconnected from their rapid jinking flight.

May we find ways to nurture and support each other today!

Image ID: Photo of a coral-orange tropical hibiscus flower, its cinquefoil, softly pleated angular petals curving back from a long undulating yellow style studded with short stamens, emerging from a deep oxide red centre.