Monday August 19, 2024

Goodnight friends! Similar mild indeterminate flavour of weather to yesterday, though frequent gusts drove clouds apart more often, making for an open, swiftly-shifting and cooler, more colourful seeming day. Berries more frequent and flowers more scattered, humming with pink and gold and ruddy colours.

Felt a bit better today – eventually – still a creaking, dizzy brainfog and some significant joint pain, but both less opressively constant, easing up gradually with time. Everything still felt compressed, by waiting to get functional and needing to wait to recover, letting the confused alerts of my nerves set the pace.

May we find a renewed sense of fascination with the living world around us today!

Image ID: Photo of immature broad-leaved dock flowers, bunches of tiny spiky green blooms ringing stiff upright stems at invervals, with pale pink pearl centres.