Friday September 6, 2024

Goodnight friends! Far warmer and almost spotlessly clear pale blue, a long paradisical summer-like afternoon. Soft sweet breeze, dry and woody, and an even 26°c for most of the day, spectacular kaleidoscopes of mulit-coloured sunlight filtering down through the branches. Autumn hawkbit float like motes of yellow fire above grass littered with crisp rust-brown leaves.

Slept poorly and a few remaining teinges but more-or-less back to normal strength, although with a few dizzy moments. I had a long quiet sit down on the grass to watch the treetops flash from hue to hue and did some stretching outside, taking advantage of the last flashes of summer.

May we mindfully take stock of our successes and the gifts we can feel gratitiude for today!

Image ID: Photo of a linden seed pod cracked in half on a fallen leaf, revealing the tiny vaulted arches of its woody, white-fuzzed ribbed interior nestling warm brown scale-like seeds.

Photo of bright, dappled afternoon sunlight falling on stiff, spiky holly leaves and ripening yellow berries.

Photo of a pale lilac creeping bellflower among short grass and fallen leaves, its long, split-tipped slightly rumpled looking bell on a wire-thin stem with needle leaves.