Goodnight friends! A little warmer, and the sugary silvering streaks in the grass are gone, though no chance of reaching higher than single digit temtemperatures. Skies still beautifully expansive, the half-day sunset painting rims of white gold around the edges of long low flat clouds, while occasional ghostly carp scales and tattered feathers floated above.
Something of a drifting malaise still hanging on – hard to get started on anything, hard to craxk open anything creative. More little bits of cooking and cleaning &c at least, and slightly less need to take long breaks to overcome rushing waves of nauseous fatigue.
May we allow ourselves to believe fully in change for the better, and act for each other, our communities and our ourselves today!
Image ID: Photo of a broken-off portion of an overturned mushroom cap, laying on grass gill side upward. The process of decay has left all the outspread gills a glossy, purple-sheened charcoal black, as if an open book had turned to charcoal without crumbling to fragments.
Photo of bare silhouetted trees against a softly cyan afternoon sky, scattered clouds are peachy along the horizon, breaking up into thin stippled streaks of white and iron grey.