Friday July 26, 2024

Goodnight friends! About the same low 20s°c temperature, but feeling cooler and fresher thanks to drier air. A dazzling morning and late afternoon, clouds all feathers and scales, sandwiching a moderately overcast midday. Shaky tin-can trill of a few crickets, isolated in the shorn grass.

Feeling mostly in decent shape I think, though weakness lingering and sleep still somewhat fitful. Creativity and mental stamina as a somewhat low ebb, as my stamina improves but my thinking stays slow, so I’ve been doing a bit more household organising and cleaning up, the types of things that I’ll be grateful for my past self having dealt with.

May we find time and space to wander and wonder freely without purpose or pressure today!

Image ID: Photo of an inky-dark ultramarine blue sky with thick swathes of feathery clouds darkening towards the horizon, a hot, faintly rainbow-hued white blaze of sunlight burning through the midst of a cumulus mass.

Photo of umbel-like tightly clustered orpine flowerheads coming into bloom, tiny, narrow bright pink candle flame petals beginning to burst from the tips of white buds.